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We understand that some patients are nervous. To help make your transition to our practice easier, we would like to invite you in for a coffee and a chat with one of our team members.

During your visit one of our team members will take you to a private office area where they can discuss any concerns you have regarding your dental health and anxiety with dental treatment. They can then show you around the practice and, if you would like, schedule you in an appointment to return to the practice for a comprehensive assessment.

Gentle Extractions, Compassionate Care


Impacted wisdom teeth can result in pain, damage to surrounding teeth as well as other dental issues such as crowding, decay and damage to the jawbone.

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, usually grow a long time after people get their full set of adult teeth – often in their late teens or early twenties – meaning that there often isn’t room for them to grow properly.

When teeth don’t have room to erupt fully, they can become twisted, tilted or displaced as they try to emerge. This can lead to wisdom teeth becoming impacted, which is where they remain stuck in either the gum tissue or the jawbone. If you have a wisdom tooth that is causing you pain, get in touch today.

book online for an appointment at Hertfordshire Dental Group

No waiting lists

Wisdom tooth removal is one of the most common surgical procedures, which can mean long waiting lists in some locations for removal. But if you opt for wisdom tooth removal here, you can be pain-free in no time as appointments are often available within one week and after assessment our patients can expect to undergo treatment within one month.

If your wisdom tooth is severely impacted it may require a referral to hospital which your dentist can arrange.

Benefits of wisdom tooth removal

If your wisdom teeth aren’t causing you any problems, then we don’t recommend removing them. However, if you are in pain, and dealing with impacted, twisted or displaced teeth, then removal can solve and prevent a range of issues, including:

Tooth decay
Gum disease
Pericoronitis, an infection of the soft tissue surrounding the wisdom tooth which is caused by plaque
Bacterial infections in the cheek, tongue or throat
Abscesses in your wisdom teeth or the surrounding tissue, as a result of a bacterial infection
Cysts and benign growths, which can be very painful

Nervous patients

We know that some people can feel anxious about having teeth removed, but we are here to make the experience as calm and comfortable as possible. You can be sure that we will be careful and gentle throughout the procedure, and provide support every step of the way.

Take a look at some of our 5-star reviews from other patients to see how we’ve helped them have a positive experience.


What to Expect

the Process

We’ll begin by evaluating your dental and medical history, taking X-rays, and digital scans as part of a thorough examination to determine the position and condition of your wisdom tooth.

Before the surgical procedure to remove the tooth we will administer a local anaesthetic injection to numb the area around the tooth and prevent you from feeling pain while your tooth is being extracted.

Your dentist will carefully remove the wisdom tooth. Depending on the position of your wisdom tooth – whether it is twisted, leaning against other teeth, or is impacted – we may need to make a small incision to access the tooth.

During the procedure, you may feel some pressure and movement as the tooth is gently removed. Most people have little to no pain after surgery but some experience some swelling and mild discomfort for 2 -3 days. We will provide you with aftercare instructions and recommend pain management techniques.



How long does it take to have a wisdom tooth removed?

This will depend on the complexity of the procedure, but wisdom tooth removal can take as little as a few minutes for a simple extraction, though more difficult cases can take longer.

Will I have to avoid any activities after having a wisdom tooth taken out?

Once your tooth has been removed, a blood clot will start to form in the socket, which helps the healing process. Avoid anything that might dislodge the clot – such as drinking hot drinks and alcohol, gargling, smoking or spitting – for the first 24 hours. Make sure to eat soft or liquid food for a few days, and to chew with your other teeth.

Will it hurt?

Local anaesthetic during the procedure means that you won’t feel anything while your tooth is being removed. However, you may have some swelling and discomfort for a few days afterwards. To help with any discomfort:

Take anti-inflammatory medication (as directed by your dentist) to reduce any swelling.
Apply ice packs to reduce swelling.
Eat soft foods and avoid chewing on the extraction site.
Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
Maintain good oral hygiene by gently brushing and rinsing your mouth with saltwater.

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01920 465908