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We are very happy to receive referrals for dental implant treatment, and frequently receive referrals for bone grafts and sinus lifts from other dentists across Hertfordshire. Whether you are a regular patient or coming to us for a specific treatment, we will provide you with first class care.

bone graft and sinus lift in hertford and ware


Bone grafts and sinus lifts

A safe and clinically proven procedure that can provide the most stable base for life changing implant surgery.

When you lose teeth, the jawbone can quickly start to shrink away, notably around the areas where teeth were lost, lacking the necessary tooth roots for stabilisation. Without this vital foundation, your face can take on a shrunken appearance.

For some patients, bone shrinkage becomes so extensive that it complicates the feasibility of undergoing dental implant treatment.

However, bone grafts and sinus lifts help to repair and rebuild lost bone. Bone grafts work by stimulating the regrowth of bone in your lower jaw, while sinus lifts add bone to the area between your upper jaw and the sinuses either side of your nose.

Restoring your jawbone health will provide optimum support for your teeth, gums, and dental restorations such as dental implants.

bone graft and sinus lift in hertford and ware
What causes bone loss?

When a missing bone is not replaced

Trauma, such as an accident or a sports injury

Periodontal (gum) disease, which degrades and diminishes the supporting bone around the teeth

Jaw tumours, which can attack the bone itself

However, the good news is that bone loss is not permanent. It is possible to encourage the growth of new bone with bone grafting, using biomaterials to stimulate the jawbone and produce new bone structure.

The benefits of bone grafts and sinus lifts

Restore areas of jawbone that have shrunk with age and tooth loss

Turn back the signs of ageing for a fuller, more youthful appearance

Create a solid base for dental implants

Replace missing teeth and improve your ability to bite and chew

Regain your confidence

The process

We will start by taking X-rays of your jaw and/or sinuses, usually in the form of a 3D CBCT scan to determine the extent of bone loss. Next, your dentist will discuss your treatment options with you and create a personalised treatment plan.

During the procedure, under anaesthetic, we will make an incision into your gums to access the bone and pack the area with bone grafting material. This material can differ depending on the complexity of treatment you require, but it can vary between synthetic, bovine, or your own bone matter (usually taken from the back of the jaw or the lower chin).

After the procedure, your gum might be swollen for a little while and you may experience some bleeding. Your dentist may give you antibiotics to prevent infection and anti-inflammatories for the swelling. If you experience some pain in your gum, you should be able to manage this with over-the-counter painkillers.

A week later, you’ll have the stitches removed and your dentist will check the progress of your healing.

It can take three months for the new bone to fuse to the existing jaw. But once this process is complete, it will be strong enough to support a dental implant.



How do I know if I’ll need a bone graft?

During your dental implant consultation, your dentist will carry out a thorough clinical assessment to find out if you’ll need a bone graft. They may also take a 3D scan to show the thickness of the bone, which can’t be seen on a normal X-ray.

Does everyone need a bone graft for an implant?

Not everyone needs a bone graft before getting implants. Your dentist will evaluate your case and let you know if a graft is necessary. In general, though, people who have suffered from tooth loss or have had previous implant surgery are more likely to need a bone graft.

Is bone loss permanent?

Fortunately, no. It is relatively straightforward to encourage the growth of new bone. A bone graft will take some time to integrate with your existing bone. Once healed and settled, however, the bone will also be suitable for placing a dental implant into.

Is the procedure painful?

We will use local anaesthetic, so that you won’t feel a thing during the process. As the graft heals, there may be minor discomfort at the beginning, but there should be no pain. Most patients receive a course of oral antibiotics after a bone grafting procedure, to prevent any possible infection.

Call us to book your initial consultation

01920 465908

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